Still to this day my brothers are trying to give me pills

It's true they find any excuse to set me under pill "therapy", although every aspect of their behavior and the analysis of a psychologist who met all of us, it's concluding they have major problems, despite I rather not put any trust in these analysis to make my decision. I knew it before that, because I saw what they had done. My brothers are existing to destroy things and some people can't get that. Some people are calling themselves good, because they let bad ones to rape, bully, cut the genitals, sterilize other people with unseen mania. I prefer not to do so.

I was like an angel dropped from the sky. My grandpa was extremely jealous of me as a being and he used to abuse me many days of my life. Everyone else were calling him with polite epithets, at the same time he was a child rapist. My father always got money from him to let him doing that and he was giving me also pills to make my mind confused. My father was well paid from his job, he didn't need money, but he liked to sell people.

I was trying to mark my points to my mother, but she didn't care about much. She always believed my father and her father who were disorientating her from my wellbeing. This reach an degree of I haven't underwears to wear and I wore for weeks, nearly a month, the same or I was taking dirty underwears from the basket. Bad people always make bad things.

God raised me; in each unholy union against me He was my supporter.


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