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 Εσείς έχετε πρόγραμμα, εγώ όχι. Πήγα στη πόλη που έμενα για μια ημέρα και μου φάνηκε σαν άλλος πλανήτης. Κάθε φορά προσπαθούσαν να με πείσουν περί του ύπνου και των θεωριών που είχαν. Θεωρίες, λόγια δηλαδή, για την αστικότητα και τις ανύπαρκτες τάξεις τους που ήταν προσηλωμένοι σε αυτές για να είναι οι έξυπνοι. Κι όμως όλα αυτά τα ψεύδη τα μετρώ και τους καταδικάζω. Η μαμά και η γιαγιά είναι στο κόσμο της ησυχίας που αφήνουν τη λογική για την παρουσία τους εκεί. Ο απόηχος των γεγονότων δεν είναι παρά μια θλίψη που φεύγουμε μακριά της. Ωδή στο στίχο του Γεώργιου Σεφέρη "και τρελαίνονται στα καταφύγια". Η ωδή των πιθήκων στο παράδεισο, καθώς αυτοί έτσι θεωρούν εμάς, προτιμώντας να μην αντιδρούμε. Μην αντιδράτε, έτσι προτιμούν, όμως εγώ θα πω την ωδή. Δεν αναμένω το μύθο για το δίκιο, δεν περιμένω να μάθω το δίκιο από τα γραπτά* στο μικρό τοπίο πολλά έχεις να σκεφτείς. Αυτοί που ηχούν τις σάλπιγγες για να σημάνουν κάτι μη σε μπερδεύουν, γιατί τίποτα δεν ξέρουν από την ίδια τη ζ

The crisis deep sleep

They made their unspoken plans to implement them. These satanists who turn speculation into news and facts into fairy tales to confuse the world. They like deception, they like impunity for their crimes, they like to envision to build Satan's barbaric world. Maybe it sounds excessive, but I write based on what I have seen and also knew when I was born. With these speculations they want to take us and slaughter us in the forest. In the silence of the deadly crimes, their sad faces asking for pity from the would-be victims, the stern smile of the unacceptable evil people. Soon there is deception and an attempt to destroy a healthy child, a good person. Don't be confused, the battle is always here, no trumpet will blow.

How to fight and who I am

My name is Antonis Nikaronas and I'm fighting the whole crime sessions of the world. I have already fight my personal fight with rapists and bad people in general and I succeed to get them out of my life in a clear way. So that means everyone knows what I have been through and everyone make a choice either be on my side, either their side or preferring a supportive stance for them in silence. I win like a 5 year old child, maybe like a 2 year old. I fought with people deeply ugly in their soul and I nearly win. Today it's a beautiful time and I'm not willing to give up my fight, despite the discouragement by people who care for me. I continue this horrendous battle, because the evilness will find you wherever you are; so it must be beaten. Now, how to fight I would recommend to be steadily yourself, without standards.The knowledge of life will be much superior to every threat and recommendation to learn by anyone and by your enemies of course. People who want to harm people

Fight for yourself, fight until the sun bursts into tears

Fight for yourself, fight until the sun bursts into tears, fight until your body blasted into ashes, fight until the sound be nothing, the trees be rocks, the sky be sea. Fight and keep fighting, don't afraid anything, fight for your life, fight for the world, fight for yourself, fight and keep fighting until the rest be preserved, until the rest come to you for your fighting. Fight until the fight is gone.

Everything seems they have organized all and yet they lost

 The power of human rebellion against harmful people is something incomprehensible, but still real. Kids will win, people from the traps will come out and babies will conquer the world, despite everyone's expectancy. Not David himself will not come, the people already will deliver theirselves. People who were winning everything, they will see the victory of "pariahs". And it's not a matter of pariahs.

The enemy's mindset with two martinis

  Around the table people are sitting and so what? The truth has to be heared, why? Because it is the thunder which slaughters the sky. But the mildness is sitting around the table silent. Don't cry, they don't understand. They know what they're doing. There is no need to understand the parasite.  As long as they think that the majority is following them, they feel happy and strong. I wish the majority would provide the solution by doing the right thing. But this is not the case as everyone gives their own answer to the rightful's question. The attitude held by many characterizes an indifference and they are surprised when they see what is happening next to them. The issue is somewhat personal and I don't care if some people don't care and they don't want to participate; life is different regardless of them. A multitude of issues are discussed by these worthless people with a sense of superiority. Suddenly there are superiors and inferiors which is not true

No negotiations

 No negotiations with the bad people of the world, despite the informative axis they seem to provide. It's pretty clear the evil thread can't hide from the people who actually care. I've seen it and there is no need to depress ourselves to the escape fear. The fight won't stop until win, life won't stop ever, they can't hide. I am metaphorically disgusted with worthy people. The despicable men worldwide who are intellectualize the reality for their enjoyful interest, the forbidness of freedom isn't something spiritual. Go to hell, go to the house of dogs with the fakeness privileges advantages. The future won't come; the fight won't stop.