Second time at the organization's building

 In addition to criminal activities my grandfather was an exceptional man for the eyes of society and I say it without bitterness. When I was home I truly asked my parents what is this game I was playing with my grandpa. I showed them several times what was telling me and what moves I make during this interaction. My mother didn't understand or she didn't want to understand, although my father, despite he didn't care about us, immediately was aware of the situation I was describing. He take my hand and we go to my grandpa's home which is in the same town like ours. He made a deal with my dad at the time to not talk, but to give him thousands of money to play in casinos and the stock market. Ever since I was again at the plague of badness. Again for the next years I was raping in my parental house and I was giving pills like gums. In fact the real purpose of these pills wasn't to forget but to make you feel like all of these aren't real. So, a kid wouldn't insist so much according to their minds.

Someday we traveled again back to organization's wellknown building for a second meeting with the horrendous humans. We get inside in the same way one by one, but this time we stopped outside of this building to talk with another man who has a very specific position as officer over organization's economics. He revealed us some interesting things about their plans. There is a secret complex of people among various professions who give a chance to pedophiles to rape without real concequenses in order to panic the victims and erode the world fighting the good people till death. They had various of tactics or theories and all of them had this "dream goal". Willing to erode any goodness they had under the command of outsiders participating in an act against the country I was living in. But in reality as I understood later of this conversation there were in total 10 countries, 8 of them are NATO allies. This organization had all the money at russian banks supporting the Russian amry to develop its logistics. Furthermore, they were deeply align to political ideas for this reason.

This time we entered the building going at the second floor which where an apartment with one or two rooms, but none of them were bedroom. The main room was almost the whole apartment as a living room and the other room was something like an office or storage with windows. This floor was completely under the control of the headmaster where the meetings with the Russians and Germans took place. My grandfather had a discussion with the headmaster who was working at the Geology department of university. After this discussion we went downstairs to the basement of this building where they placed me in a room with a bed with another boy. They told us to play while we were shirtless upon the bed. After a little time they took me in the corner and three people raped the boy, one of them was my grandfather.


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