Unamed story of rapism by daylight people

 Will it be a good morning today? Well, it doesn't matter for our story (always a real story), because daily life unfolds everytime so fast and so independently. I was 2 years old when I was raped for the first time in my life by my grandfather. He tried to persuade me not to cry & not to look back as long as he raped me like a game for him as he used to tell me. The diabolical way of his mind didn't stop there; there was a clear and conscientious try to make me gay in every chance. They didn't succeed their plan, despite the so much effort and so many people were willing to make it happened against me.

Let's take it stage by stage. He raped me several times inside my parental home, inside my room to be more specific, while my two elder brothers where watching TV in the living room, loud to not hear me. Honestly, these kids didn't care much about me without helping me at any point of my sufferings; they just looking what the DVD was playing. One time I came to them at the living room after and I asked them why they didn't help me, and other times before I asked them why they let me go with him at the room to "play" and why they don't protect me, but they do the opposite things. The answer was simple, let us watch cartoons or come with us to watch whatever they were watching.

Grandfather was babysitting us almost every morning when our parents were going to work, he was a man of trust of course. Sometimes he was giving me a pill to swallow, without knowing what is it. This tactic continued until I was 4 or 5 years old. After so many times the only thing that I remembered it was the ring which makes the belt when it opens. I remember one time at the age of 2 years old when I was fully opposed to him, I was asking what's the meaning of all this and he showed me his penis. I didn't realize what I was seeing and I was scared because it was grey and hairy around the area. He told me what he was doing, but I never understand the reason, and also he told me that it was the only thing he enjoyed in life, like a joyful game.


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