Just another military conspiracy and something more

Unfortunately, the bad people will never stop trying to make bad efforts to overtake everything is good and nice, peace and happiness from other people. They make them desperate and they are organizing lies and conspiracy in favor of their disgraceful actions. Here again in my country where is the palace of evilness, the temple of every bad human. The organization of bad people has organized from a long time ago a military conspiracy in balkan countries and in general middle east for them. From now on I will speak for the situation in my particularly area which may be similar to other areas too. In a level there are military psychiatrists who show their support to a pro russian invasion, taking prominent militarists into a base of despair and they are locking them up into special psychiatric clinics for a life. The same psychiatrists do a psychological war against them in order to make the "patient" a suicide or at least keep them in a position of repression. Only the current army leader of Israel Herzi Halevi is out of this conspiracy. This is not a war of professions, it's a war of good and bad people.

Many of good people had been chosen long ago, for some crazy reason. These psychiatrists always say the same thing to those people and the thing is "you are confused". They try to drive crazy these humans using their job. In their mindset I can say loud and clear that their practical admiration is Joe Rogan. The french administration branch of this organization had decided these years before, that Putin can be a new Lenin, a new leader for everything they want. Masons and other criminals came together to select him, because they had seen how easily he can do everything with minimum cost. Knowing their theory I believe that according to their instincts Putin has been raped as a child. Working for perfection, some innate trends to homesexuality can explain why him. Personally I stand for the right and it isn't right to accept something you can't fight or at least you're thinking it in that way. Some people might have found details in the lives of pre-revolutionaries, "old" Soviets and how Lenin make himself comfortable somewhere they didn't want him to participate. The terror, the fear is common between these periods and it is common now. They want people to fear no matter what you are fearing, they want to spread terror, no matter the cost. The battle is on.

Those who wait for the moment will lose. There is no start either the end, there is only the truth. The truth is that many people tried to adapt to their lives a goal, a tactic by bad people, slaughters and deceivers. The Russians do the same again and again like many other nations, but this time they had some help by the organization of many other people. They are the same under the plan. It's a well-made tragedy, almost a nice story for them who ignore the massacre and believe the lies in order to create a Russian Venus. Like a fairy tale if you believe it. But it's a vast tragedy for all people, a delusion.

Many times bad people are inspired by them and their "scientific" theories who adopt critical mind to supress the others for fun and death. One of these theories is known to me from my brothers and the military psychiatrist. It is called autism and they try constantly to adapt their words against some other nice disobedient human with this title and the appropriate pill therapy to destroy his life and freedom. It's so deliberately evolved and diversed which diverts you wondering about whatever they want and recall. They are so evil. Don't accept them and their actions, don't retire or retreat. 

In the country I live there is a recent military "bureaucratic drill" at the area of "tech" and readiness exercises. This was a "high qualified" internship conducted by vital non-military sectors, too. This "drill" has became an army caricature, within the framework of NATO. The purposes of course are pro Russian.

It is said the organization and other bad people will set free lions in Halkidiki peninsula, when the time will come for the sake of evilness. But do no fear these people want to spread fear across your soul. The game of powerful and unstoppable is a fatal "power game" and there is no power in it, only lies. Stalin salutes them for their paranormal tactics. I'm a victim of these kind of stuffs for a long time as a kid and as an adult by all of them. They always say: What's you gonna do? What do you care, we all gonna die.

The thing that masons don't understand is there is no compassion for them, there is only malice. They try to create an illusion of Mediterranean coastline, but I know what lethal gases my brother was firing against my health. They were using deodorant and cologne at my head like a punishment. They were hoping to lose my hair or something more (health). My father was always of these things. Neither my mother helped me in that repeated case.


  1. These military psychiatrist are in the same spirit with those who irresponsibly characterize many people as autistic


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