
Showing posts from April, 2024

Greek mason families which decided to kill their children

 Greek mason families which decided to kill their children with the help of the organization during a dinner among friends at 1999. Some of them weren't families yet, but the jurisdiction by the masonic lodge was to create a family among them based on the place they want to live. They were all friends and one woman had desired to marry or at least be a couple with a specific guy there. But they wanted different places to live, because she thought she couldn't work in the countryside as a psychologist. So, she hated her child before the child born at that time. She didn't want to raise a kid anyways. The catastrophic symposium was about to make couples between them. All children died after 20 years at the same time. This particular jurisdiction is about to be revealed in order to make clear that everybody can kill their children without conviction. This is a gift from masons & russians-french members to satan and the other bad people.

Still to this day my brothers are trying to give me pills

It's true they find any excuse to set me under pill "therapy", although every aspect of their behavior and the analysis of a psychologist who met all of us, it's concluding they have major problems, despite I rather not put any trust in these analysis to make my decision. I knew it before that, because I saw what they had done. My brothers are existing to destroy things and some people can't get that. Some people are calling themselves good, because they let bad ones to rape, bully, cut the genitals, sterilize other people with unseen mania. I prefer not to do so. I was like an angel dropped from the sky. My grandpa was extremely jealous of me as a being and he used to abuse me many days of my life. Everyone else were calling him with polite epithets, at the same time he was a child rapist. My father always got money from him to let him doing that and he was giving me also pills to make my mind confused. My father was well paid from his job, he didn't need mon

The court of evil and Russian Federation

 The court of evil doesn't lie in a country, but I choose to speak about Russia which is the country they choose in the convention. The court of evil people made Russia ready all these years to operate a war against many countries in the world, especially in Europe. All the masonic lodges are aware of this and they are prepared for so many years, depressing the good people. They also made an alliance with the non masonic persons and criminal organizations to achieve this goal or dream as they use to call. To their people who succeed to fulfill the tasks, improving their organizational importance, they are giving to them beautiful wives forever. In Hungary and Russia there is the hidden society of slaves. There are the people who have been kidnapped with the permission of one parent when they were kids. These kids might be from many countries. In Hungary they are killing them when they cannot abuse them as the paedophiles want. Many of them end up dead without organs. In Russia a pe

At the first world war won the nazis

 Allied countries won using the tactics of nazis, of bad people in general, leading their war through violence interests and money interests. They're deceivers, they're satanists.

Every bad people have something in common

 LGBTQ, satanists, paedophiles, ideologist and every other one who takes participation to bad are the scums of the world. They are torturers, deceivers, bad humans, they are willing to bring the world upsidedown with killings and many other things. I was sterilized by police officers in 2002 when I was 5 years old. The war against me is like any other crime against humanity. Probably many people lived these tortures and no one gives a damn, but keep fighting.

The kid that I was and I am

 The constant threat for jail and the constant psychological war as they described and the constant death threats were a lifetime torture at the age of five. This was their only goal in life to take some joy by torturing me. The stigma which try to put on me just didn't happen at the end, either was the first or the second torture. The kid that I was would never believe this turn of his life how easily happened. I couldn't imagine these kind of thing that exist when I was 2 or 5 years old, or even at 9 years old. But slowly I had understood with what things I have to fight, I get it. But still 5 years old there is a constant war on me and everyone for circa 22 years. I am and I always was willing to say the truth without ignoring the truth. The kid I am is the same with the kid I was and I'm still fighting to this people and I'm happy to do so. I am not happy that I made an unnecessary break to this war, but that's how things happened.

Fear or absurdity according to events

 They create fear to any man who will be the target from their mania and envy. No matter they pretend the victims, they are never the victims and never will be the victims. So I called this section fear or absurdity according to events taking under my mind the coldness of them. From the one side they swear tearfully for their so called kindness and from the other side they're laughing because they fool you. Succeeding a goal is their main goal. From my perspective nowadays this is hideous. I think back then I believe it too but in an another way giving a chance to myself to end this nightmare, by accepting their coldness. The fact they dare to link their bad intents to historical facts is unheard. Many unkind people from bloody ideologies have done that. The only thing that isn't reconcilable is that they have created disturbtion and they will never have the guts to be upon life.

Their ruined theories

 It's true they had every second of their lives a ruined meaning for destruction. There is no why, only their darknesses. Simply, they don't know anything, mixing false allegations with true to create evil thing around them. Evil doesn't come alone no matter what they say or the beliefs are. It's unbelievable the unnumberable theories about the future, life, science, materials, etc. Their demon is time and often they make sacrifices to time. Who can bear them at once? It's difficult cause of their paranoia, but not impossible, as they claim. I was a child into their hands to torture me in a daily basis with many things. They used to hide their enthusiasm for Nazis, for Hitler and Goebbels, but sometimes was clearly what they want and what they wish. I heard it with my own ears and I lived what they want. Also, quite often they are referring to bible, when they don't curse the words of bible. I believe in God but I don't set my self under their radar or stere

Friendships and loves

 I had good friends in my neighborhood, younger at age for 2 and 3 years than me. But this isn't the case at all, we had a good company. I consider my childhood nice, because of them. So this seems to be enough for their demonic aspirations and my father with my brothers wanted mainly to cut relations off with my friends. Especially when they understood many kids in the neighborhood were seeking me to play together. I was 5 to 6 years old back then. The friends I had was the insurance for my mum to think that everything was alright, despite the obvious war I was receiving. They try for many many years to defame me to my friends, while they were telling me my friends don't love and they want from me money. I didn't believe them, I didn't have any money ever, even when I was earning money, they were taking from me. They were thieves and soul killers. I didn't snag love, before their threats to rape my girlfriend or to share it. These were my awful brothers who were to

The evilness of my brothers

 My brothers had a participation to the evilness of this world. One of my brothers was giving with a feeling of deep pleasure condoms to underage people. They were kids but he attended to say that he considered them adults because they got a small payment by the people who raped them. Despite he knew the exact age of the kids between 12-15 as he told me. He is an active member of LGBTQ community and he follows no matter what they want to do in order to destroy the world. This community with its volunteering teams had a very close relation to antilove movement, pedophilia and antichristian movement which is from their perspective is close to satanism and paganism. My brother was also active when he was teenager to these movements, trying to kill people via representatives. Today he is living abroad after the pedophiles gave him money due to his services. My other brother in the very recent years was trying to make me a woman, giving me threats and support to make gender transition. Both

Organization's danger theater

The inception of play has essence in many areas of their depressed lives. It is true there is a plan which they consider irreversible. It could be because they try to fear people and create more and more terror in the hearts. Their plan is to rape without consequences and in a very large extend this came true, because no one cares about rape and doing the bad thing to other people, but there is some people who still keep their hearts unsurrender, despite the helplessness by others. It has been known to them the nuclear protocols by many countries of the northern hemisphere. Each area of the organization knows in their countries where the Russia will hit with nuclears and how other countries with nuclear weapons will behave in war time. Organization's people separate the behavior to strategic nuclear weapons and reserved nuclear weapons, according to them there is a difference. The sadistic department of the organization is somehow a national department in their design, and there wa

The nightmare of bad people

It was a little unclear the whole rape thing to me after the electric shock torture. When I was nine years old I everything came up to my mind and I found the words to say it face to face to my father. I said: I'll tell mum what happened to me, just to know, hearing a depressed woman in TV talking about her life. Suddenly, I was logic again and all set on rail in peace. I said: "Mum..." and my father said wait to me: "I'll leave tomorrow, please let me stay today here and not to the streets.", my mother asked: "What are you talking about?" and he said: "Oh, nothing my son just wants to sleep with me." and she said: 'OK!'. That night my father raped me while I was sleeping and the next morning raped me again in the bathroom, telling me that :''I'll rape you how many times you remember it". He raped me again after few days and I couldn't speak, it was physically impossible for a while, and I remember I was tryin

At the age of five I was raped also

 In every second of their lives they like deceive people, that's their goal. One day my parents let me & my brothers to my other grandparents; I was 5 years old. At the present time at the house it was living my uncle who raped me after one day at the house, in his own room. We stayed for vacations there without our parents for almost 5 days and he raped over 10 times, some of which my brothers had helped him to bring me at the bedroom with no windows, the one door was locked and the other was he in front of. In this point I would like to be more specific about my personality. My rapist grandfather originally tried to transform me to a gay person in a such foxy way. My father instead of protecting me or react in favor of me, his innocent son, he sold me for playing in casinos and other stuffs with the money he gained. There was given permission to my brothers to bother me and drive me crazy, so they had to put me in a psychiatric institution or a juvenile detention center. My a

Second time at the organization's building

 In addition to criminal activities my grandfather was an exceptional man for the eyes of society and I say it without bitterness. When I was home I truly asked my parents what is this game I was playing with my grandpa. I showed them several times what was telling me and what moves I make during this interaction. My mother didn't understand or she didn't want to understand, although my father, despite he didn't care about us, immediately was aware of the situation I was describing. He take my hand and we go to my grandpa's home which is in the same town like ours. He made a deal with my dad at the time to not talk, but to give him thousands of money to play in casinos and the stock market. Ever since I was again at the plague of badness. Again for the next years I was raping in my parental house and I was giving pills like gums. In fact the real purpose of these pills wasn't to forget but to make you feel like all of these aren't real. So, a kid wouldn't in

The casual trip to the "unknown" city

 When I was two years old, my grandfather took me with him in order to go at the fields where he raped me inside the car. We saw the trees, probably little apricot trees, and after that he had told me he has to pee. But there was a problem, he was afraid of not looking at him during his need and so he told me several times to turn my head and my body from the other side leaning on my knees. I was not willing to do that, because I would not look at him anyway. Finally he persuaded me to do so, and he pretended to walk, but he didn't and he raped me this time, telling me not to move, only back and forth. My grandfather had told  this helps him to pee because he's sure I didn't watch him peeing. At some point he finished his job and he went away to "pee" or to do whatever he did. We were at the fields at lunch time. He also took some pictures of me with his penis while we where there with someone's camera. After these stuffs we traveled through field roads at som

Unamed story of rapism by daylight people

 Will it be a good morning today? Well, it doesn't matter for our story (always a real story), because daily life unfolds everytime so fast and so independently. I was 2 years old when I was raped for the first time in my life by my grandfather. He tried to persuade me not to cry & not to look back as long as he raped me like a game for him as he used to tell me. The diabolical way of his mind didn't stop there; there was a clear and conscientious try to make me gay in every chance. They didn't succeed their plan, despite the so much effort and so many people were willing to make it happened against me. Let's take it stage by stage. He raped me several times inside my parental home, inside my room to be more specific, while my two elder brothers where watching TV in the living room, loud to not hear me. Honestly, these kids didn't care much about me without helping me at any point of my sufferings; they just looking what the DVD was playing. One time I came to t